had dim sum with ivo's church ppl on sunday..
=D. ngaaahhaaa.
came back, den start with out BTD.. had chicken again for dinner....
last nite was so cold! lyk below 5 degrees.
we do work wearing socks and fingertip-less gloves.
went to bed, the bed was sooo damn cold. shivered to sleep..
tonite's gonna be worse... haiz.
went to get some items after sch.. AND kena fine again! hahaha
but we're appealing this time.
damn. 1 submission havent done, come another one.. zzz.
anws, ivo finally decided to cut her fringe! ahaha
i cut for her just now.
and its straight lyk mine..
haaaa. more ppl will get confused by us.
pics frm the hse party!
2nd round of wrongness.
For more pics, go to these links