Saturday, May 31, 2008
we said good nyte at 7am..
just when we wake up,
we'd say 3 hrs to sun set..
oh em gee.
lotss to do..
too little days..
too lazy..
work is no fun.
we went to sch to do wrk wholeday ytd. till today 7am.
eyebags sags to the cheek.
den went hm to sleep..
therefore, last nite we slept at this morning.
i was asked, 'how are u?'
i said ' ok la.. busy, lots of work to do, sleepy, cranky, cold and swollen fingers'
he said, 'hahaaha.. sounds damn pitiful'
.. yes. indeed.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
i just realised i din step out of the house for about 3 days.
thursday friday saturday din go out at all..
saturday was scary.
woke up at 1. bathed.
sit and do wrk till 4.
microwaved instant food. sit at the same table. eat.
aft tt continue sitting till 3+am..
and so today sunday!
we rewarded ourselves with japfood buffet!
dedicated to qiren.
this is the restaurant! it was 7pm. and it was damn dark. its irritating when the sun sets at 5.
the buffet was not lyk sakaesushi at all.
first, they take out all the food tt was on the buffet list.
aft we finish the first round, den can order the randoms.
PS. i still hate wasabe.
the normally-big-eater.. not onform todae.. haa. we girls ate more than him! :x
instant food. for the upcoming busy days. cupnoodles, canned fish, 6 canned soup, instant pasta and rice. luncheon meat. and corn chips!
after dinner we went to woolworth. got some face supplies.
actually gt the foreheadone. but covered by fringe. it looked lyk kid's fever thing.
and the porepack actually works this time!
Friday, May 23, 2008
and i became the assistant chef! haaaha.
the curry is much better this time.. with more gravy...
eat until wanna die ar.. so much.
she wouldnt want mi to post the close up pic of her. haaaha.
so after curry chicken, we slacked. and went to slp.. i slept frm 1am to 3 pm.
woke up a few times in between. but too lazy and afraid of cold, to get out of bed...
the boys watched soccer and slept at 8am. so they woke up at abt 4+pm also..
den we had our brunch..
aft tt, movie time!!
27 dresses.
katherine heigl is so pretty. and the guy's cute. haaa.
VERY unglam of us.. but trust me this is not the worst.
only derrick and aaron had the priviledged to see out most unglamness..
and it made aaron laugh to tears, yes?
ok. after movie..
we moved our 'dining table' out to the living rm..
so tt we can share the main heater, instead of 1 rm each.. haaa. dinner cum supper.. last nite's curry cravy, add fish and bake it. curry baked rice!
The morning after... we're back to sitting here at the moment.. -.-
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
new one
how i wish i could do tt in design and essays.
somebody said he was lazy and no mood to do work..
he said:
home = bed
i thot of a possible positive outcome out of tt..
home =bed = early start tml = can nap in the afternoon aft ur tute = can stay up longer later at niTe if u wanna do ur archicad = do the archicad = produce more work = better grades = better job = better pay = better wife [ better pay = provide better for the family = wife sayang u more. therefore 'better wife'] = happily ever after.
then i was asked to do the same. as in slp now..
however, i think it applies differently for girls.
bed = early start = nap = do work at nite = wrinkles = ugly = nobody want = miserable = die..
do wrk.
Monday, May 19, 2008
finally pics frm hobart!
the nite b4 hobart, i slept at 3.30am? and woke up 2 hrs later.
all for the sake of shopping. and getting away frm launceston