finally we are released frm the nightmares!
continuous torture frm schwrk..
we had bits and pieces of fun tho..

while getting model materials for BTD assgn,..
title of this pic is, 'WRONG'.

beef rawon. as long as i can remember, i've never tasted real rawon b4..
friday, aft interior and before our DS torture.

showing off my slightly deflated fingers. =D
i hav natural fat fingers. so shaddup.
eeyerrrr mommy act cuteee. =p

mommy wanna smack my face. tts my ah-lian-'wanna fight is it?'-face.
she said she'll beat me up if we were in secondary sch..
she is VIOLENT....
language= representation
pictures= my language.
got wad i mean?
the pic is a represntation of us..
not that she's blue and watery and i am sweet.
the pic = ivo drink lots of water and has super bladder and she is health-conscious (note the equal sugar).. and i loveeee sweet stuff aka sweet-tooth aka, might die frm diabetes in the future.
derrick's got live furry worm in his sandwich.
den we started DS.
note my psychotic loOk..
they say i am sadistic. i think so too..
i laugh at ppl falling down and those who jumped when they are scared by their friends.
15 min ago, i scared esther in ivo's room. she jumped a bit and let out a sound.
i laughed lyk hell =D

there was cream on my fingers. gloves was to protect it and so tt i can do wrk..
loook! my fingers can close properly. =D
after all those...
difference of got sleep and no sleep for about 2 days... (eyebags)
i took a test in facebook about ppl i attract.
the result was, i attract geeks.
Your stunning intellect and love of sci-fi and video games allures the geeks like nothing else. Maybe it is the sparkle in your eye that makes them want to text you, who knows.
Geeks make good partners, but tend to be arguementative.
If you are a TRUE geek magnet, you will know if that was spelled correctly, and actually care.
If it is a bad-boy/bad-girl you are seeking, you are barking up the wrong tree,
unless they are just 'bad' behind a PS2 console. OMG. i just noticed signs of my geekiness..
- i own a psp (pink tho). and i have 'mind game' in it.
- i like fast cars and cameras
- i m amazed by gadgets and car in Batman's show.
- got somemore then i'll update.
anyhoo. jenson (who attracts geeks too) and i, came up with new definition for GEEKS.
its totally NOT geeky. hint above.
and its not proper for this family oriented blog =).
so, interested, ask me. ngahhahhahaha.
damn it. suppose to read HTD.