cocok nga?? hehe...
the night b4, we just started with our proposals..
and my group came up w 2!
slept at 4am. wake up at 7am...
there's the car!
and there's our crib and our loyal car at the background.
at the foreground are 4 very cold ppl.
almost all of us slept in the car..
i noe i slept lyk a log.
stopped at Ross..
Lionel, recognise tt fat dog?? wekeke..
so cute, she follow us..
but so sad when we were leaving.. lyk ran aft our car.. =(
i was trying to feed it w bread. but too bad got nutella.
and i just got to noe tt dogs dont eat choc.
whooo. they dunno wad they're missing, yesh?
Daddy Derrick.
OH EMMM GEEEE!!!!!!!!!
no more starbucks..
no more attraction to hobart.
we went to gloria jean.
on the way to dinner?
4 cam-hoggers.
korean foood!!
i love.
ice cream at mures!
k back in our inn...
work hard.
do model.
at this stage, floor is still visible.. juuustt gonna start only.. tadaaaa.. floor covered with scraps of paperrr..
oh we had baileys while doing work too..
_______________________________ sunday..
we were kinda late..
so just had fish and chips takeaway... and eat standing in front of the car.. after the tutorial..
but kena con...
but, notsonice toilets.
no 5 star toilet.
tt's the 'before'
and me.. tts the 'after'.
so we decided to watch movie! =D
i had pho.
it was sooooo good! till forget to take pic.
nothing to do..
so we partieeeddd again!
we bought bacardi..
din drink also high.. wekekekkeke.
or rather, we played DARE..
3 guys stripped top and 1 stripped the opposite of top.
tts the most tt i've drunk i think.. =D
1 high on alcohol.
the other high on coke and sprite.
aaron and regina vomitted..
i walked swaying here and there. but NOT drunk.
esther kept laughing at me.
ivo jenson chengngai danced. hahahaha
we both had buns on our head!
left is esther's 1 chilli.
right is mine. 10 chilli.
chilli was okay. but not tasty enough...
ivo ordered wrong.
loOked lyk sambal oelek pasta. wekekke.
we do work ok..
site visit.
back in launnie...
supper at mac..
BTD. omg i slept.
kinda lost for the assgn.
he asked for wad?
i said, dunno. so tt next time if the building i build collapse, i noe who to blame.
red was me.
on her book, she wrote in chinese.
so i do the interpretation..
1 tt crack us up the most was 2nd frm right.
i thot its
" tian tian __ __ xiang mei ni"
then she wrote for me the 2 empty slots as 'ye ye'
so confidently, i interprete is as
"everyday, grandfather think of pretty girl"
esther was confused where i got the grandfather frm..
'ye ye' is grandfather ma ryte~
and.. actually it wasn't 'mei'
it was 'zhi' or smt lyk tt..
nggaahahaha. it looks similar tho..
kk die.
looooaddds of stuff to read.
havent start.
die die die.
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