i accompanied the grandma again..
to the temple, and then we had vegetarian food.
it looks quite little. and i thot i wont be full.
BUT. i understand y they din give so much...
i eat a few mouth, gt soo sick of it oredi.....
those are disgusting.
she bought sausages and mushroom..
and i discovered where my guailan-ness came frm..
this guy frm the shop, late 20s i guess..
came over to her and ask 'want to buy thing?'
then my grandma said 'of cos laa.. if not i come here for wad?'
hauahuahuahuaha the guy kept quiet.
i was grinning to myself.
so i made the above tea, on the tv, sophie kinsela book on hands, and dozing off on the sofa.
nice weather.
so i went to slp.
today had breakfast with the grandma and cousin again..
High School Musical3..
i told jt, we were watching with the kids.
and i am still a teenager =D
again, crappy sky.
i was lost for a moment after passing thru the new underpass...
the GayPartner took MC just for me!!!
Esther purposely came dwn to pass mi my earphone =D
Thankuverynice estherCYL!
was still sooooo full.. but anws, ate abit.
Cecelia Ahern, my fav =D
Me Best Friend's Girl,- i've always wanted to read it since dunno when..
i survived the day on heels!
the feet were dying tho.
planned to take off the darn shoes on the lift.
BUT! got other ppl..
i'll b flying back to Jkt tml afternoon!
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