Sunday, April 26, 2009

Not Without You.

About a book
that i've been reading.
i couldnt wait for bed time every nite and read this book.
i had to force myself to stop reading each nite.
and its finally finished last nite =)

Its one of the few books that could move me to tears!
and totally affects my mood.
but i love it.
Alan & Irene Brogan - Not Without You

For the next few days I drove back over the same route, past St Michael's roundabout, hoping that Alan might live close by and that I might spot him again, but there was no sign of him. It was comic that, in the event, three months later I was busy chatting to a friend as we walked through town and only by chance turned my head to see Alan across the street.

My heart lurched, and before I could even think about it I shouted out his name.

I didnt notice that heads had turned towards us. All i saw was Alan spinning around and running across the street to me. We flung out arms around each other. I was laughing and close to tears, telling him, 'I've been looking for you. I'm not with anyone.' As he told me the same things I felt all the broken pieces of my heart rush back together. I knew that we could be together at last.

He kept tight hold of me as he turned to my friend and said, 'I've loved this lady all my life,' and I thought at that moment it was the most wonderful thing that I had ever heard.


The moment shee called my name I knew it was her, and in that moment my whole life changed. It was as if I had been in a tunnel and suddenly emerged into the sunshine.
Paragraphs taken from the book.
My fave part.

Their story:

tt's y
i believe
in Fate & Destiny.


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