the wind was sooooo bloody strong! i couldnt face the wind directing. cos it was snowing too..
so when the snow hit our face, its soooo damn painful. lyk, kena sandpaper. and yes. damn cold.
snow in korea was muchhh better. at least can enjoy.
up in mt wellington, it was scary.
they hav the heater thing. the heater is named 'snugasabug'. =D
taken frm fran's car.
our 2nd round of dinner.
off to bed =D
for complete pics, pls visit,
i hav a friend.
i love her lots.
she thinks for me.
sometimes she's a beyotch, but i love her still.
she eats a lot. and calls me fat.
u can see the facts frm here;
kthxbye! =D
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