i've been lost for days eh!
noooo time to blogg..
submission and presentation went well i hope..
after submission on thursday..
came home, slept frm 8pm till 10am the next day..
went to sch.. came back hm at 3+ - 4.. start model until 11++pm..
sleeeep till presentaiton..
so.. visssuualllsss for the missing dayss...

food we eat..
instant rice...
the outcome..
3 people. 1 day/night. coffees and teas.
my maid in singapore cook this.. but i used minced beef instead of pork.. nice still! =D

baked rice, before.

baked rice after.

model making b4 presentation day...

while aaron and ivonny cooked a record breaking meal of 3 hours! combination of blurness and blonde moments.. hahahahaa

blacan fried rice

ivo's stewed chicken..


after dinnerrr

freee!!! after submisson and presentation!! b4 moviee..

the messs

droplets at our garden..

soooo many of them!
the following are pics frm Singapore student association dinner..

pasta and pizzzaaaaa
rendang nasilemak curry currypuff honeydewsago fish.
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