Hobart trip..
we woke up early in the morning and derrick drove to hobart..
there were actually 9 of us.. 5 seniors and 4 yr3s in our car..
tts Jenson, our master jumper..
ahh! chinese food! beef brisket noodle... yummy laa
eat till ffiiinish
dead road

2nd day..
hobart's seaport

frm this...
to this~

some artsy fartsy pics..
Angeline! ex-colleague in rtnq
and her friends..
another starbucks ofcos..
Seafood lunch... at the seaport..
Richmond zoo! baby pony.. damnn cute.
so cute, when he won, another pony not happy, then they fight.. using their backlegs kicking each other..
the zoo.. aka kangaroo's toilet.

Wombat! fluff ball
We only dare to pat a sleeping kangoroo.. there are many of these albino kind there...
1 of the biggest one.. soo near to derrick.. and their tail disgust me.. so thickk and long... and strong too.. can hold their weight.. this kangaroo can crawl..
Wombat! fluff ball
Tts all folks!
study virly, study..
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