Saturday, March 15, 2008


its 2 am now.. heheeheh

suppose to do work.. but need stuff frm group member.. so cant do it now... :/
so i'm mostly chatting and trying to do some work....

tml no sch la.. so might b able to wake up later..
gonna stay hm the wholleee dayyy..

we went shopping today.. ngehehe..
with ivonny and jenson
while derrick do work in sch... >.<


and.. we had 4 times of KFC since we got here.. tsktsktsk..

and the pizza here quite cheap for students... a medium size (8 slice) cost us $5.95.. for those beef la.. if chicken and some range, need to add $2..
but compare to singapore, its cheap la ryte~!

mi and ivonny complaining that we dun hav enuff clothes...
we've been wearing the same clothes over and over again..
not like last time, we can go on for more than a month without repeating clothes....

hurghh.. no pics to blog.. no fun..

ok blog again soon!


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